Wednesday 9 December 2015


The bolster was loose. So David and Jody started to pull the sheet on the bolster. Then I tried to help. Then David said I was useless. And then Jody said Ya Lor. And then I was so angry I cracked a fake egg inside. Then Jody picked it up and said she will try not to aim it in my eye. So I started beating David. Then he say to Jody what do we do to trespassers? Jody said we kill them. David said no, we drag them out painfully. And then they dragged me out, the blanket broke. I tried to put it on my back so my back wouldn't get scratched. And then David kicked half of the blanket away. And then my back hurt a little bit. They dragged me out and they closed the door. And then I started to cry and I wanted to tell you. Then Papa came to scold them. I feel very sad because they thought I was useless.


  1. Eh, Lulu, is this your last blog post? Seems like there's no more posts to read...

  2. Lulu! Is this your last blog post?!?!
